

Amniocentesis Test in Turkey, Cost, Procedure & Everything You Need To Know

Amniocentesis involves taking out a sample of amniotic fluid during pregnancy to check whether the baby has any genetic or chromosomal conditions such as Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome, or Patau's syndrome. Find out more about the amniocentesis test/treatment in Turkey in the following read.


normal amniocentesis test results


In amniocentesis testing, amniotic fluid and cell removal are done to take samples for the diagnosis of fetal infection and test the unborn baby for genetic abnormalities.

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Normal Amniocentesis Test Results

  • Chromosomal Analysis
    • This indicates the absence of chromosomal conditions such as Down Syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome, etc.
  • Genetic Diseases
    • It tells whether the baby has any genetic disease such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, etc.
  • Fetal Lung Maturity
    • The average level of the surfactant proteins indicates that the lungs are mature enough.
  • Infection Screening
    • Negative results from infections such as Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Toxoplasmosis parvovirus B19, or other infectious agents tested in amniotic fluid.

Amniocentesis Test Risks

The amniocentesis test risks are rare. These may include:

  • Miscarriage 
  • Infection 
  • Vaginal bleeding 
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid 
  • Injury to the fetus 

Amniocentesis Test Done In Which Week Of Pregnancy?

The procedure is usually performed during the 20th to 15th weeks of pregnancy but it can be performed later in some cases. This time frame allows for proper collection of amniotic fluid for testing while minimizing the risk to the fetus.

What Happens If Amniocentesis Test Is Positive?

If the amniocentesis result is positive, it generally signifies that the fetus suffers from an abnormal chromosomal or genetic issue based on the particular test used.

It's essential to keep in mind that a positive test result from amniocentesis doesn't necessarily indicate that the fetus will suffer from a disease. Further evaluation and counseling are crucial to understanding the implications of these results and making informed choices about treatment options for the pregnancy and other possible interventions.

Does An Amniocentesis Test Hurt?

Pain perception varies from person to person. Certain people may experience some pressure or discomfort during treatment, whereas others experience brief episodes of aches.

Factors that can influence the pain or discomfort are:

  • Individual Pain Threshold
  • Skill and Technique of the Healthcare Provider
  • Anxiety or Stress
  • Positioning
  • Use of Local Anesthesia

Duration Of Amniocentesis Procedure In Turkey 

Amniocentesis is a short procedure of 15 - 30 minutes. However, the time of the entire procedure including the preparation, recovery, and waiting for test results may differ.

Recovery Time of Amniocentesis Treatment 

The time required to heal after an amniocentesis treatment is quick for the majority of people suffering from any discomfort. Symptoms usually disappear after a couple of days of the procedure. It's important to follow your doctor's instructions and attend follow-up appointments to ensure a proper healing process and continuous monitoring during the amniocentesis test in pregnancy.

Price Of Amniocentesis Test In Turkey  

The costs of amniocentesis depend on the location, clinic, or medical facility, the practitioner you choose, and medication cost. Reach out to Zeoby for cost-effective medical and aesthetic treatments with an opportunity to explore Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya, and other destinations in Turkey.

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Important To Know!

Amniocentesis involves an ultrasound for a careful examination. Then a thin and hollow needle is inserted through the stomach wall of the uterus to draw the amniotic fluid in the syringe. The woman is laid still unless the needle is removed after the isolation of the amniotic fluid.

Amniocentesis is a painless procedure but it may cause slight discomfort and pinning sensation due to the insertion and withdrawal of the needle.

Amniocentesis gives accurate results for genetic defects. However, it's selective for the identifications of a few genetic mutations such as Down’s syndrome. It has a low risk of uterine infections, and leakage of the amniotic fluid, and is less likely to cause miscarriage.

This prenatal test is meant to examine the health of a developing baby. It is carried out between the 15th to 18th weeks of pregnancy and gives accuracy without harming the baby. However, slight chances of infection or injury are there with any procedure involving the use of needles and sharp objects.

There is no such evidence for labor induction upon amniocentesis, nor does it cause maternal or neonatal morbidity.

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