Ablation of Nasal Polyps


Nasal Polyps Removal In Turkey: Treatment, Procedure & Prices Of Istanbul Clinics

As the name suggests, nasal polyps removal in Turkey is a treatment that removes the non-cancerous (benign) growth of polyps from the nasal passage. Polyps resemble the shape of a grape and can cause sinuses. Understanding nasal polyps is essential to understanding the ablation of nasal polyps. Polyps are soft painless spots that swell over time and are caused by chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa (internal lining of the nose). These are also known as sinus polyps and grow individually or in clusters.


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What Is The Ablation Of Nasal Polyps?

The ablation of nasal polyps is a medical term for the removal of sinus polyps or nasal polyps. Nasal polyp surgery is done when other treatments are ineffective in reducing symptoms.

The surgery to remove the nasal polyps is also known as nasal polypectomy. One thing to note is that this treatment might not be best suited for smokers, who have a history of hemorrhage, or who have pulmonary or cardiac problems. In that case, it’s best to consult a reliable healthcare professional via a trusted platform like Zeoby.

Symptoms Of Sinus Polyps

The symptoms of nasal polyps include:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Reduced or loss of sense of smell (anosmia)
  • Postnasal drip
  • Facial pain or pressure
  • Headache
  • Snoring
  • Itchy eyes

Causes Of Nasal Polyps / Sinus Polyps

Several factors explain why nasal polyps can develop, but the exact causes aren't clear. However, chronic inflammation is a significant cause associated with nasal polyps. Here are some common causes and risk factors associated with nasal polyps.

  • Chronic Rhino sinusitis
  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Asthma
  • Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (AERD)
  • Genetic Factors
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Immune System Disorders
  • Nasal Obstructions
  • Environmental Factors

It is important to remember that nasal polyps typically appear as the result of a mix of these causes rather than one reason. In addition, not all people with chronic inflammation or other predisposing factors will develop nasal polyps.

How Long Does It Take For Nasal Polyp Removal In Turkey?

The length of nasal polyp removal procedures may vary based on the level of complexity, the size and quantity of the polyps, the overall health of the patient, and the procedure employed. In general, nasal polyp removal surgery or nasal endoscopy can take 30 minutes to a couple of hours to complete.

Recovery Time From Nasal Polyps Treatment

Recovery time varies from person to person, as can the severity of the case. However, there are some factors on which the recovery time depends such as:

  • Medication
  • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
  • Laser Ablation, Cauterization, or Cryotherapy

It's best to follow the advice of your doctor in any case. If you’re looking for health consultation, we can help you connect with medical experts who can efficiently perform nasal polyps removal in Turkey, and provide you with the best guidance on nasal polyps.

Get The Best Nasal Polyps Treatment - Istanbul, Turkey Via Zeoby

Nasal polyps surgery cost depends on many factors including healthcare facility, the severity of the case, and surgeon’s fee. Get personalized treatment and doctor’s prescriptions needed for nasal polyps removal in Turkey via Zeoby. Our medical tourism service in Istanbul, Antalya, and other cities covers everything, from airport pickup, hotel accommodation, transport accommodation, and more complementary services.

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Important To Know!

Removal of nasal polyps is a painless procedure, however, you may feel slight discomfort, nasal congestion after surgery, or sometimes nasal bleeding. Doctors usually prescribe nasal saline solutions to relieve these symptoms after surgery.

The common medicine for nasal polyps is nasal sprays containing corticosteroid solutions. They help shrink polyps and relieve irritation and secretions.

Steroid-containing sprays are known to shrink nasal polyps and reduce the need for surgery. Certain oral medications and nasal allergy medications also increase the chances that a person might not need surgery to get rid of nasal polyps.

Polyps that are benign in nature do not necessarily bleed. If there is unusual nasal bleeding, it might not be due to polyps. There’s a chance that a person might have sinus cancer or inverted papilloma.

Surgical removal of nasal polyps is carried out by endoscopy and its cost may vary based on the hospital and surgeon you choose, your location, and the complexity of your case. Get all your questions answered on booking an appointment for nasal polyps removal in Turkey through Zeoby.

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